
Shipping Usually Costs about 15% of The Products Value

(5% Packing and 10% Transit Fees)

Packing (5%)

AP packs everything with a 3-step technique.

1-The first layer protects the finish from rub marks.  We use a thin layer of soft paper, felt, dolphin skin or even moving pads. The purpose of this layer is to stop rubbing and faint surface scratches on a top coat of finish.

2-The second layer is space, we like to wrap the entire item with between 1-3 inches of EPS (Styrofoam panels).  The purpose of this layer is to define a certain amount of space between the furniture and the outside box.  It’s the “Stay Away from Me” layer and it absorbs shock.

3-The third layer is Corrugated Skin Not everything comes with a box, so we’ve developed a method of wrapping everything in corrugation, even if it doesn’t come with a box. This heavy corrugated skin will prevent punctures and hard corners from penetrating the Styrofoam from step 2.

Visit our YouTube playlist to view some fun videos that demonstrate how we pack

Pick a Shipping Method Thats Works Best for You (10-15%)

We have different methods of shipping, pick one that works best for your objective.

1-Fast & Furious (approx. 15%) This method is lightning fast, but you get no installation service on the receiving end. You’ll get a pallet with boxed goods and clean-up is your responsibility.  Delivery will go to the first dry area like a garage or covered porch. Very fast, super-fast, UPS fast, but pricey. Small upcharge might apply for large non-typical pallets. Excellent choice for smaller items, casegoods and non bulky items. Your goods will arrive in boxes and strapped onto a pallet. Carriers: Estes, A Duie Pyle, T-force, and others

2-White Glove (10 %-15%) We categorize white glove delivery into two main categories, white glove private and white glove agents.

White Glove Private (approx.15%) Pricey but fast for a full-service agent. Most proven shipper to date, long 25-year relationship, your goods are handled by in-house personnel only, no third-party carriers. Carrier Plycon

White Glove Agents (approx.10%) A relatively new approach of shipping which has proved invaluable in today’s inflationary environment. Its a white glove service run by a network of truckers.   We’ve seen a huge move into this tier lately and we’ve had amazing results.  This is a bit slower than the above tier, however sometimes the delivery lands lightning fast if timing and geographics work out in your favor. Carrier Bluetruck

AP will submit an RFQ ( Request for Quote ) after you pick a shipping method above

For Fast and Furious shipments, we will submit a RFQ with a broker and get all the carrier rates at once. We usually make a recommendation and connect you to the shipper to finalize the paperwork.  You will pay the shipper directly and have access to tracking.

For White glove shipments, we send an email to the carriers with specifics on the package (for installation puposes) and your location, when the quotes come in, you will be copied on those quotes. We usually make a recommendation and connect you to the shipper. You will pay the shipper directly and have access to tracki